作者: 来源: 点击量: 发布日期:2021-12-28























1. 国家社科基金一般项目“华南与东南亚晚更新世至全新世人类石器技术的共性与多样性”,2018年6月-2021年12月。主要成员

2. French-Cambodian Laang Spean Project, Archaeological Commision of the French Ministery of Foreign Affairs (MAEDI)(法国外交部考古委员会“法-柬莱昂斯宾考古项目”),在研,参与(2018年10月至今)

3. Mission Paléolithique Franco-Thaïeh of the Ministry of French Foreign Affairs (MEAE) (法国外交部“法-泰旧石器考古项目”),在研,参与(2018年10月至今)



(30)Zhou, Y., Forestier, H., Wu, Y., Ji, X., He, C., Liang, T., Yang, R., Wang, T., Chen, X., Wei, X., Cai, S., Wei, J., Li, Y., 2023. Final Pleistocene-Early Holocene (∼40–8 ka) Lithic Industries in Southern China and Their Implications for Understanding the Prehistory of Mainland Southeast Asia. Lithic Technol. 10.1080/01977261.2023.2247645.(SSCI, AHCI)

(29)Chen, X., He, A., Sun, X., Wei, Q., Liu, K., He, C., Liang, T., Yang, R., Wang, T., Shen, Z., Forestier, H., Zhou, Y*., Li, Y., 2023. Guomo open-air site (15-12 ka) in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China: A new cobble-based industry for rethinking the definition of “Hoabinhian”. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49, 104033. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104033.(AHCI, 通讯作者)

(28)Zhou, Y*., 2023. (Book review) La pierre et son ombre: Épistémologie de la Préhistoire by Hubert Forestier, France, L’Harmattan, 2020, 274 pp., € 30.00 EUR (Hardback), ISBN 978-2-343-19641-1. Lithic Technol. 10.1080/01977261.2023.2188344.(SSCI, AHCI)

(27)Zhou, Y., Wei, J., Wang, R., Zhou, H., He, C., Forestier, H., Li, Y., 2022. Between simplicity and complexity: The knapping flexibility on cobbles at the early Neolithic site of Zengpiyan Cave (12-7ka), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China. L'anthropologie 126 (5), 103098. 10.1016/j.anthro.2022.103098.(SSCI)

(26)Zhou, Y., Cai, S., Liu, X., Forestier, H., He, C., Liang, T., Wang, L., Li, Y., 2022. Cobbles during the final Pleistocene-early Holocene transition: An original lithic assemblage from Maomaodong rockshelter, Guizhou Province, southwest China. Archaeol. Res. Asia 32, 100411. 10.1016/j.ara.2022.100411.(AHCI)

(25)Wu, Y., Qiu, K., Luo, Y., Yang, Q., Huang, Z., Wen, J., Ji, X., Li, Y., Zhou, Y*., 2022. Dedan Cave: Extending the evidence of the Hoabinhian technocomplex in southwest China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 44, 103524. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103524.(AHCI, 通讯作者)

(24)Zhou, Y., 2023. Lithic Technology Research in China and the Impact of the French School: History and Perspectives, in: H. Forestier, V. Zeitoun (Eds.), Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiquesPublisher: Société préhistorique française, Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp. 113-122.(Scopus)

(23)Zhou, Y., Wei, J., Wang, R., Zhou, H., 2023. L'apport de l'analyse techno-fonctionnelle à l'étude des outils sur galet de la grotte Zengpiyan (9-12 ka), région autonome Zhuang du Guangxi, Chine du Sud : l'émergence de la modernité et de la complexité technique chez Homo sapiens, in: É. David, H. Forestier, S. Soriano (Eds.), De la Préhistoire à l'Anthropologie Philosophique: Recueil de textes offert à Éric Boëda, L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 189-202.

(22)Forestier, H., Zhou, Y., Sophady, H., Li, Y., Codeluppi, D., Auetrakulvit, P., Zeitoun, V., 2022. The first lithic industry of mainland Southeast Asia: Evidence of the earliest hominin in a tropical context. L'anthropologie 126 (1), 102996. 10.1016/j.anthro.2022.102996. (SSCI)

(21)Ingicco, T., Sémah, F., Zhou, Y., Sémah, A., Forestier, H., 2022. The early lithic productions of Island Southeast Asia: Traditions or convergences? L'anthropologie 126 (1), 102997. 10.1016/j.anthro.2022.102997.(SSCI)

(20)Pérez-Balarezo, A., González-Varas, M., van Havre, G., Zhou, Y., 2023. Early prehistory of South America and population dynamics: Issues and hypotheses. L'anthropologie, 103139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2023.103139.(SSCI)

(19)Li, D., Jiang, Y., Ye, L., Zhang, M., Zhou, Y., 2022. Multiproxy record of climate change during the late quaternary and human adaptive response at the Bailian Cave, Guangxi, South China. Hist Biol. doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2022.2136031. (SCI)

(18)周玉端, 李英华, 韦军, 王然, 周海:《广西桂林市甑皮岩遗址砾石工具的技术-功能分析及相关问题》,《考古》2023年第1期。







(11)李英华、林美蓉、邓鸿山、李法军、Forestier Hubert、周玉端、陈鹏:《越南和平文化石器技术分析及对华南东南亚砾石石器工业研究的启示》,《南方文物》2020年第5期。




(7)Yuduan Zhou, Xueping Ji, Yinghua Li, Hubert Forestier, Nina G. Jablonski, Shan Ding, Jiamei Zhao, Peng Chen, Liwei Wang, Tingting Liang, and Chengpo He. 2020. Tangzigou open-air site: A unique lithic assemblage during the Early Holocene in Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Quaternary International 563:105-118. (SCI)

(6)Yuduan Zhou, Yuanjin Jiang, Ge Liang, Yinghua Li, Hubert Forestier, Huan Li, Peng Chen, Liwei Wang, Tingting Liang, and Chengpo He. 2019. A technological perspective on the lithic industry of the Bailiandong Cave (36-7 ka) in Guangxi: An effort to redefine the cobble-tool industry in South China. Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 (8):1095-1121.(SCI)

(5)Forestier H, Zhou Y, Viallet C, et al. Reduction Sequences During the Hoabinhian Technocomplex in Cambodia and Thailand: A new Knapping Strategy in Southeast Asia from the Terminal Upper Pleistocene to mid Holocene. Lithic Technology, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/01977261.2021.1981654. (SSCI, A&HCI)

(4)Forestier Hubert, Yuduan Zhou, Prasit Auetrakulvit, Chawalit Khaokhiew, Yinghua Li, Xueping Ji, and Valéry Zeitoun. 2021. Hoabinhian variability in Mainland Southeast Asia revisited: The lithic assemblage of Moh Khiew Cave, Southwestern Thailand. Archaeological Research in Asia 25:100236. doi:10.1016/j.ara.2020.100236. (A&HCI)

(3)Li Yinghua, Side Hao, Wanbo Huang, Hubert Forestier, Yuduan Zhou, and Huan Li. 2019. Luobi Cave, South China: A Comparative Perspective on a Novel Cobble-Tool Industry Associated with Bone Tool Technology during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. Journal of World Prehistory 32 (2):143-78. (SSCI, A&HCI)

(2)Li Yinghua, Eric Boëda, Hubert Forestier, and Yuduan Zhou. 2019. Lithic Technology, typology and cross-regional comparison of Pleistocene lithic industries: Comment on the earliest evidence of Levallois in East Asia. L'Anthropologie 123 (4-5):769-81. (SSCI)

(1)Li Yinghua, Yuduan Zhou, Xuefeng Sun, and Huan Li. 2018. New evidence of a lithic assemblage containing in situ Late Pleistocene bifaces from the Houfang site in the Hanshui River Valley, Central China. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (1-2):131-42. (SCI)



7. Yuduan ZHOU, Sifu CAI,Yinghua LI, Hubert FORESTIER: The lithic technology at Maomaodong Rockshelter, southwestern China: diversity and creativity of the cobble tool industry in a sub-tropical environment. September 6, 2021. XIX Congress of the UISPP, Meknes, Morocco.(线上报告)

6. Yinghua LI, Yuduan ZHOU, Hubert FORESTIER: Les stratégies de taille au Paléolithique sur le plateau du Yunnan-Guizhou (Sud-Ouest de la Chine): une particularité régionale. Colloque "préhistoire sous les tropiques", Novembre, 2021, Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France.(线上报告)

5. Yuduan, ZHOU, Yinghua LI, Hubert FORESTIER: The impact of the French School on lithic technology in China. CPF 2021 : 29e Congrès Préhistorique de France. Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiques, 31 mai-4 juin 2021, Toulouse, France.(线上报告)

4. Yuduan, ZHOU: Looking for Hoabinhian sites in Southwest China: recent progress and perspectives. 20th October 2022,Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.(2022年10月受邀在柬埔寨皇家艺术大学做学术报告)

3. Yuduan, ZHOU: The Lithic Traditions in Southwest China from the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene and its implications to Southeast Asia prehistory. Lithic analysis: an online workshop on 27-28 June 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2022年6月受邀为泰国艺术大学做学术报告第一场,线上)

2. Yuduan, ZHOU: Lithic analysis: some basics. Lithic analysis: an online workshop on 27-28 June 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2022年6月受邀为泰国艺术大学考古系做学术报告第二场,线上)

1. Yuduan, ZHOU: Looking for Hoabinhian sites in Southwest China: recent progress and perspectives. Lithic analysis: an online workshop on 27-28 June 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2022年6月受邀为泰国艺术大学考古系做学术报告第三场,线上)


